Joshua Lewis
- Professeur agrégé
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de sciences économiques
Web : ResearchGate
Web : CV en anglais
Web : Google Scholar
Web : Autre site web
- Membre – CIREQ — Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en économie quantitative
Areas of Expertise
- Economic history
- Applied econometrics
- Labour economics
- COVID-19
Student supervision Expand all Collapse all
Research projects Expand all Collapse all
Covid-19: an economic analysis Projet de recherche à l’international / 2020 - 2020
Publications Expand all Collapse all
“The Value of Health Insurance during a Crisis: Effects of Medicaid Implementation on Pandemic Influenza Mortality.” (with Karen Clay, Edson Severnini, and Xiao Wang). NBER Working Paper #27120. Accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics.
“Canary in a Coal Mine: Infant Mortality Tradeoffs Associated with Mid-20th Century Air Pollution.” (with Karen Clay and Edson Severnini). NBER Working Paper #22155. Accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics.
“What Explains the Socioeconomic Status-Health Gradient? Evidence from Workplace COVID-19 Infections” (with Raphael Godefroy). Accepted at Social Science & Medicine - Population Health.
“Estimates of COVID-19 Cases Across Four Canadian Provinces.” (with David Benatia and Raphael Godefroy). Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 46, No. S3 (October 2020): S203-S216.
“Short- and Long-Run Impacts of Rural Electrification: Evidence from the Historical Rollout of the U.S. Power Grid.” (with Edson Severnini). Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 143, (March 2020): 102412.
“What Explains Cross-City Variation in Mortality during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic? Evidence from 440 U.S. Cities.” (with Karen Clay and Edson Severnini). Economics and Human Biology, Vol. 35 (2019): 42-50.
“Pollution, Infectious Disease, and Mortality: Evidence from the 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic.” (with Karen Clay and Edson Severnini). Journal of Economic History, Vol. 78, No. 4 (December 2018): 1179-1209.
“Does Male Education Affect Fertility? Evidence from Mali.” (with Raphael Godefroy). Economic Letters, Vol. 172 (November 2018): 118-122.
“Infant Health, Women’s Fertility, and Rural Electrification in the United States, 1930-1960.” Journal of Economic History, Vol. 78, No. 1 (March 2018): 118-154.
“The Impact of Technological Change within the Home.” Journal of Economic History, Vol. 75, No. 2 (June 2015): 539-543. Dissertation Summary.
Additional Information
- 01-05-2020 Coronavirus: le nombre de cas nettement sous-estimé au Québec et en Ontario, selon une étude
Estimating COVID-19 Prevalence in the United States : A Sample Selection Model Approach
Public health efforts to determine population infection rates from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been hampered by limitations in testing capabilities and the large shares of mild and asymptomatic cases. We developed a methodology that corrects observed positive test rates for non-random sampling to estimate population infection rates across U.S. states from March 31 to April 7.
- 01-05-2020 New Study Shows There Could Be 12x More COVID-19 Cases In Quebec Than Officially Reported
- 27-03-2020 Your City’s Air Pollution Could Make COVID-19 Even More Dangerous
- 01-05-2020 Douze fois plus de Québécois contaminés
- 01-05-2020 La COVID-19 pourrait avoir infecté plus de 250 000 personnes au Québec
- 07-05-2020 Montreal Economist Says Number Of Confirmed Cases Is Just 'The Tip Of The Iceberg'
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