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/ Département de sciences économiques

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Experts in: Big data

Carrasco, Marine


Professeure titulaire

Marine Carrasco graduated with a PhD from University of Toulouse (France). She taught at Ohio State University and Rochester University (USA). She has also been a researcher at CREST (INSEE, France). She joined our department in December 2005.

Her research interests focus on two main topics. First, she is interested in tests for parameter stability and their applications in macroeconomics and finance. Second, she works on regularization in big data. In particular, she studies the generalized method of moments with infinite number of moment conditions and regressions with many regressors.

She is co-editor of Journal of Financial Econometrics and associate editor of Econometric Theory, Econometrics Journal, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, and Journal of Econometrics.


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Garcia, René


Professeur associé, Professeur honoraire

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